These days, almost all Internet users deal with social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are the most popular networks. Therefore, social media can be an excellent platform for businesses to increase their brand awareness and website traffic. This article will learn how to increase website traffic on these popular platforms through social media.

– Instagram

Powerful Instagram tools make this app an excellent platform for promoting targeted businesses ads; As a result, it is easy to direct and attract Instagram users to your website and increase website traffic through social media by properly using Instagram features.

Nowadays, having many followers on Instagram alone is not enough to sell more. Unless you can drive at least some followers to your website and turn them into your website customers, you will not be able to take full advantage of Instagram.

  • Website link in bio

Instagram allows its users to put an active link in their bio profiles. So you need to make the most of this opportunity and not just put your website address in the bio.

Please put a link to a page of your site in bio with an attractive headline; to attract the audience. direct them to your web page. It follows the standards of being mobile-friendly as well.

If you change your bio link frequently, you can get better results from this option. You can put the following in your connection:

    • Campaign page
    • New products uploaded page
    • Landing page site
    • Discounted products page
    • The page related to the last post of your page
  • Put the link in the story

The Instagram story is one of the most popular and valuable tools to increase website traffic through social media. More than 70% of Instagram users visit the story. Therefore, place the website link in the story and direct the audiences through this link to the desired pages of your website.

  • Highlight linked stories

When you put a link in the story, it will only be usable for 24 hours, depending on how long the story lasts, unless you highlight that story. In this case, these highlights will be placed in your profile and will remain as long as you do not delete them yourself.

You can highlight important stories in specific categories to increase your site traffic. Select the cover and title of the highlight you want when the user logs in to your profile.

– Twitter

Twitter is one of the most important platforms to increase website traffic. One of the best features of Twitter is that you can put a lot of links in it to direct your social network users to your website. So, if you can write compelling content to tweet, retweet it and promote your brand hashtags on this network, you have a perfect chance of being seen.

  • Put your site URL in your profile!

A great way to start generating traffic to your website is to introduce it to your profile. Twitter simplifies this by providing a specific place to add a website URL to your profile.

  • Pin a tweet for your website!

If you decide to launch a product or service by displaying a landing page, or directing your followers to a specific page of your site, be sure to create a tweet relative to that page on Twitter and entice users to continue reading. You can pin that tweet to your profile to highlight it. Simply go to your tweet profile. Then find the tweet from the list, click on the menu on the right corner and choose the “pin to the profile.”

  • Keep tweeting!

You need to know that the key to success in communicating and interacting with others is steadfastness and perseverance. If you want your audience to be aware of your constant presence and not forget you, you must be constantly active on Twitter.

  • Use photos and videos in your tweets!

Photos and videos speak more than texts. So be sure to try to include an image or video in the content you tweet to attract your audience. As there is a 30 second time limit for uploading the video, ask your users to visit your site to see the rest and related content. This will increase the site traffic with Twitter.

  • Reuse old content!

Tweeting often does not mean producing new content. You can retweet content that still seems valuable. In the content of your tweet, be sure to include the URL of your web page to be visited again and again.

– Facebook

As one of the oldest and the most popular social network, Facebook is a hot spot for any business, large or small, to introduce themselves to the world of business.

Facebook is a great platform to introduce your products, services, or anything else you want to share with others. Don’t forget to link your website on this social network to increase your website traffic.

  • Your profile is your primary tool.

Like Twitter and other social networks, creating an attractive profile is a must to gain popularity on Facebook. So, try to provide enough background information about yourself and make it public so that anyone can see the information and want to know more about you and your activity.

  • Post information about your site on the wall and in your image gallery

Facebook allows you to write as much content as you wish in your profile. So, use all these features like creating text, video content, Facebook stories, linked content post (a post with a URL) to generate interest in you and your products. So, if you have something meaningful to post, just post it.

  • Build your network

Like other social media, your network is your main asset. That’s why you need to invite your friends, acquaintances, and co-workers and ask them to support you. You should also look for people with common interests, of course not by force or spam, because this is not a way to convince people to join your network.

You can also contest and invite people to visit your website to participate in it. People love competition, especially if it has a considerable price.

  • engage with your audience

It is not enough to post regularly to be successful on Facebook. You also need to be active. So, try to engage with your audience. The best way to engage with them is to ask questions and trigger their answers. Remember to ask short and relative questions related to your content. You can also ask them to like, comment, and share your content with others. Use puzzle or trivia along the way. The key is to drive the audience to your website by creating engaging and enticing content. This will take time, and you may conclude that Facebook is a full-time activity. But in a short while, you will notice it is worth the time and energy.

Besides, try to create a regular schedule for posting content. Facebook has a “Schedule Post” option that you can use to plan your program every week or whatever.

  • Use video

Creating video is a great option to attract your audience to your website. You can produce a video related to your business or products and ad a link in the caption section. You can also put a call-to-action button after the video and direct your audience to your website.

  • Use Facebook social ads.

Sometimes it is not possible to drive organic traffic to your website. So why don’t you try Facebook social ads.? You can use several PPC (pay per click) campaigns to increase website traffic through social media.

– LinkedIn

  • Expand your communication network

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to increase website traffic. It helps you find people and companies when you need their goods and services and see their background and activities. Try to expand your network by inviting your friends, your family members, or even those you did not have contact with for a while. Join and consult with groups related to your business.

  • Produce good content and put a link to your website.

You should focus on creating great content and making your followers engage with your content. Ask them to comment on you. Remember, interaction with your followers is the key to success in LinkedIn. For example, you can create polls, questions and answers, surveys, contests, and lotteries and ask your followers to participate in them.

  • Be active continuously

Have a dedication to what you do on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a hotspot to introduce you to others. Introduce yourself to people who are your potential customers and do not know you.

  • Create a unique and complete profile

A good profile picture, a lasting name in mind, and a comprehensive profile are necessary to get started. Mention the critical awards and events of the company in your profile as well, so people get more interested to know about you and like to visit your website.

We hope you increase website traffic through social media with these tips.

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