Having A Good Auto-Responder Account Is

ABSOLUTELY Essential to Online Business SUCCESS!!!

Import Leads & Send

Import your leads or capture them from your website. Single Opt-In Allowed.

98% Deliverability

Guaranteed inbox delivery to Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, hotmail and all major ISPs.

Campaign Tracking

Track Professional HTML Emails, Clicks, Bounces, Surveys, Events and Unsubscribes…

Ready To Use Emails

5,663 Profit Producing Newsletters For Your Own Email Broadcasts or Follow Up Email Sequences.

The Key To Success Is To Keep Your Message In Front Of The Right People!

We Combine ALL The Channels and Tools You Need To Be An EFFECTIVE And SUCCESSFUL Online Marketer…

SEND Stunning Newsletters & Run Follow-Up Campaigns To Create Lasting Customer Relationships!!

Create and Send Professional Email Marketing Newsletters in Minutes!

email marketing made easyi-AutoResponder is a premier contact management and auto-responder system dedicated to your long term residual income.

i-AutoResponder is a hosted email marketing service that lets you create and send newsletters, run automatic follow-up email campaigns, run email courses and much more. You do not need to own a website to use this service. i-AutoResponder will keep in touch with your customers and prospects for you, around the clock. It provides all the tools you need to run effective permission-based email marketing campaigns and track the results.

Email Delivery is a major challenge for business enterprises today and they are always looking to outsource their email delivery rather than getting involved with technicalities of delivering emails.

Due to very strict spam filters, 30% of your transactional emails can end up spam folders. Our SMTP relay service ensures that your transactional email delivery rate is close to 99% events.


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